Circumference FS
With an established full service office, local expertise, knowledge of applicable laws, and long-standing ties to the legal and accounting community, Circumference FS has extensive experience helping business entities maximize the benefits available in a leading international financial services jurisdiction. Circumference FS offers a wide range of services such as: Accounting, Company incorporation and administration Compliance Independent Directors Liquidations Special Purpose Vehicles for corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies Circumference FS provides companies interested in establishing an SPV with extensive experience in domicile management and ensures that all documentary requirements are met, all fees are paid on time, and provides guidance related to the chosen jurisdiction’s regulations and benefits. Circumference FS offers a comprehensive package of accounting and administrative services necessary to maintain the SPV's independence from the ultimate sponsor. It is this status as a stand-alone entity that enables an SPV to provide maximum benefits. The need for expertise may be especially acute when it comes to off-balance sheet financing in general, and SPVs in particular. With continuing focus on corporate accounting reform, more scrutiny may be given to certain transactions and more disclosure might be required. In this environment, Circumference brings well established expertise to the table.