Intex Solutions
Intex Solutions, Inc. is a well-known provider of structured fixed income deal models and analytical solutions. Intex models and maintains an industry-leading database of over 40,000 ABS, CDO, CMBS and CMO deals. Deals are individually modeled based on the amortization and loss waterfall rules in the original deal documents. Deals are then updated in a timely manner each month using available trustee and servicer information. Hundreds of leading investment banks, broker dealers, issuers and investors rely on Intex for trading, portfolio management and risk management applications. Intex provides the following specialized applications for cashflow stress testing, price/yield generation, collateral performance analysis and deal structuring under user-defined prepayment/default scenarios: -INTEXnet: Web-based deal/portfolio analytics -INTEXdesktop: Client-resident deal/portfolio analytics -INTEX Subroutines: Cash flow generation engine and API for system builders -INTEX DealMaker: Deal structuring tool for the primary market In addition to these Intex-developed applications, over 25 leading third-party vendors have integrated Intex cashflow functionality into their more generalized applications. To learn more, visit Intex on the web at www.intex.com